Monday, 7 April 2014

Arizona Print Group at Yay Big Gallery in Tucson

The Arizona Print Group had an exhibition (April 6th) back at the brick and mortar mothership  --  YayBig Gallery in the "Pleasure World" artist building of Tucson  -- the night following our Phoenix 11th Monk3y show:

Arizona Print Group  
Print Exchange show

The theme was 
"Letters of the Alphabet"


I hung YayBigSouthwest prints
in the hallway

Hamming it up in the 
Federico was our guest from El Paso

had an opening at Rancho Linda Vista, in Oracle,
on Sunday, April 6th

Gonzalo included his 3 dimensional silkscreen prints,
at his Linda Vista show.

Saturday, 5 April 2014

11th Monk3y Print Show -- First Friday in Phoenix

YayBigSouthwest in Phoenix!  We had a pop-up print show at 11th Monk3y (Facebook) on Grand Ave, for the First Friday Artwalk (April 4th, 2014).  

Continued in other blog posts:

11th Monk3y print show -- 1) artists

Augment El Paso

Print List (Google doc)

We also had pop-up shows in:
     Albuquerque (March 7th, 2014)
     El Paso (October 11 - 13, 2013)

11th Monk3y print show -- 1) artists

Artists from the 11th Monk3y show on the black side wall, listed left to right, top to bottom (seePrint List):

72 – Marshall, Joe (Chickens)
79 – Flores, Rudy
26 – Stewart, Edwin
8 -- Contreras, Michael (In color)
85 – Wil Taylor (Ride)
102 – Fuentes, Juan
113  -- Marshall, Joe

C) Brandon Sanderson
134 --  Hodgins, Eric
57 – Wil Taylor (Be)
87 – Sugita, Toru
106  -- Wells, Mykl
74 – Eli Levin
120  -- Morales, Henry
65 – Poe
77a 77b – Marshall, Joe (Set)

63 – Tanya Rich
32 – Moreno, Ruben (Girl)
54 – Wil Taylor (Muerte)

10 -- Krrrl (Female figure)
46 – Henry Morales
23 -- Osowski, Zack
133  -- Kaitlin  Reese

11th Monk3y print show -- 2) artists

Artists from the 11th Monk3y show on the 4 plywood boads,  listed left to right, top to bottom (see Print List):

29 -- Rogo
18  -- Zeque Penya
89 – Flores, Rudy
114 -- Morales, Henry
71 – Henry Morales

80 – Flores, Rudy
33 – Rogo
24 – Espinosa, Gonzalo
107  -- Biscoe, Stu
19 – Krrrl (Female figure)
105  -- Sent Rock
41 – DO Art

68 – Martin, Danny (Tucson)
130 -- Held, Regina
131  -- Held, Regina
B) Maria Romero & Nabil Gonzalez
44 – Henry Morales
109 --  Fragua, Jaque

15 – Marshall, Joe (female face)
132  -- Martin, Danny
24 – Espinosa, Gonzalo
121  -- Morales, Henry
100 – Wells, Mykl
98 – Wells, Mykl
99 – Wells, Mykl
83 – Flores, Rudy
25 – Stewart, Edwin
67 – Flores, Rudy

11th Monk3y print show -- 3) artists

Artists from the 11th Monk3y show on the far back wall, and the wall in the middle of the room, listed left to right, top to bottom (see Print List):

78 – Rush, Andrew
73 – Wells, Mykl
93 – Flores, Rudy
94 – Flores, Rudy
91 – Sugita, Toru
108  -- Greybeard
112 -- Yorch

14 -- "Biking Buddies" by BICAS
31 – Rogo

11 --  Espinosa, Gonzalo
I) Jorge Eliecer Rodriguez Osorio
80 – Flores, Rudy
F) Luis M Ruiz
D) Raul Monarrez

Each of these digital poster prints
can be "augmented" 
by viewing through a smart phone

Tanya watches moving octopus tentacles,
in the animated "augmented" version 
of the portrait with octopus tentacles poster
on an Android tablet

The "augmented" posters
the previous weekend (March 29th, 2014)

Prints, list of artists, 
and Tucson Sculpture Festival catalogs
(2014 and 2013)
on the small tables below

Also two print racks were on the floor, holding the remaining prints of the collection, for visitors to flip through

11th Monk3y in Phoenix

Thank you 11th Monk3y, for letting us put on a pop-up print gallery in Phoenix, on First Friday (April 4th, 2014).

11th Monk3y sells the artwork made in the back shop,
in the adjoining store front on Grand Ave --
and invites the community to participate in all processes

Stage and lounge area out back

Business cards and buttons

Billboard above 11th Monk3y,
morphs periodically from one odd art image to another

Artspace across from 11th Monk3y

had an opening the same night
just down Grand Ave

Full load
Car full of prints,
traveling between Tucson and Phoenix

Augment El Paso

I went to the Augment El Paso show on March 29th, 2014, and bought some "augmented reality" digital prints, which I showed next week at our 11th Monk3y print show in Phoenix (April 4th):

Augment El Paso poster images for sale

Augment EP El Paso creators,
viewing an augmented image 
on an iPad or Android tablet

Taco image "augmented" on iPhone

Augment EP even "augmented" a painting!

Augment EP opening,
March 22nd,
at Dreadful Things art gallery and gift store

Food trucks and bands,
outside at the Augment EP opening

QRcode to directly download the Android app,
and view augmented images on your cell phone

QRcode to download the Apple or Android app,
and view augmented images on your cell phone