Saturday, 28 June 2014

Homecoming -- Southwest Collection at YayBig Gallery in Tucson

Catalog  now for sale on Lulu -- $21.26 plus shipping

On Saturday, June 7th, we had a nice, steady opening of the YayBig Southwest Print Collection in two locations -- Yay Big Gallery, and the Academy of Wonderment (in the Arches building just down Toole Street) in downtown Tucson.

Slideshow of the opening by Eneida Colon

Main Gallery --

Overflow Gallery --

 Also, Rogo did live printmaking at the Opularium (next door to the Academy of Wonderment).

Printing live at the Opularium

Mik Garrison and Scott Kerr played live in front of Yay Big Gallery.

Mik Garrison and Scott Kerr

Titus Castanza lent us his bread truck, which we hung prints on, to illustrate the importance of a mobile art venue.  Reyna Marshall decorated the truck, which we christened "Planet Hamster" (after Planet Rabbit).

Artwork by Reyna Marshall

Gonzalo Espinosa painted a mural for the show, influenced by print technique, on the side of the Arches Building down the street:

We advertised in the Zocalo magazine:

Ad in the June issue of Zocalo magazine (page 19)
(write-up page 21)

Next door in George Strasburger's studio, Titus Castanza painted George Strausberger's portrait, and George painted Titus' portrait, and they showed off their masterpieces on our opening night:

Derys Lyttle showed her paintings
in the back studio

I silkscreened t-shirts using the laser cutter at Xerocraft:

It was a good night!

I produced three prints especially for the show; all the editions were done at the Gloo Factory.  The one below was taken from an Instagram image by John Paul Gutierrez:

Now Metalphysic is converting this print into a 3D digital file, to make a sculpture (possibly bronze):

We also bought 5 pieces by Southwestern printmakers on Etsy to put in this show.  There were a lot of good prints on Etsy, which inspires me to have a show entirely of Etsy prints worldwide.

Later we had print workshops every Thursday evenings in June:

Masterpiece from the first print workshop

A week after the opening, June 14th, we had a Print Fair, where the artists came to sell selected prints:

Gonzalo at the Print Fair

Outside during the Print Fair

Next-- The Yay Big Print Exchange.  An edition of 15 prints, on 8 x 10 inch paper, due September 15th, 2014.  More details online at

1st piece for the YayBig Print Exchange,
done by Joe Marshall


January 31, 2015

Metalphysic foundry constructed a 3D model from John Paul Gutierrez's print, using Zbrush, and sent it out to Shapeways to get it 3D printed.  We showed that 3D print at the Tucson Sculpture Festival 2015.

Page 67

May 29, 2015

The Metalphysic foundry cast John Paul Gutierrez's image in bronze.  The 3D print it was based on, was shown at the Tucson Sculpture Festival 2015:


John Paul's sculpture was poured in bronze, and then chromed:

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